Industrial composting process
Industrial composting is an aerobic (oxygen present) process which takes place in controlled conditions. The composting period is governed by a number of factors including temperature (typically 50–60°C), moisture, amount of oxygen, particle size, the carbon-to-nitrogen ratio and the degree of turning involved. Generally, effective management of these factors will accelerate the composting process.
The conditions in industrial composting differ from those of home composting, in which the temperature, for example, tends to be lower.
The outcomes of industrial composting process are CO2, water and compost. The compost includes nutrients, and can be used, for example, in agriculture to enhance the quality of soil.
The benefits of industrial composting are many. For example, no chemicals are needed in the process. Organic recycling also contributes to greenhouse gas savings, for example, via replacement of mineral fertilizers and carbon sequestration in soil.
Industrial composting process and its benefits. The outcomes of industrial composting process are CO2, water and compost, which can be used for enhancing the quality of soil.